Allow Me to Introduce you to Victory Motorcycle
Victory Motorcycle, born out of Spirit Lake, Iowa in 1998 was designed to compete with Harley-Davidson and other American V-Twin brands. Obviously they’re not afraid of taking on a challenge.
Victory has broadened their sights on the sport-bike market and wants Kawasaki ZX-14, Suzuki Hayabusa and Honda Black Bird riders to experience the power and comfort of a Victory. As a sport-bike owner, this speaks volume to me. It says I, along with other sport-bikers in this community are prime targets for marketing and advertising. Victory doesn’t have the attention of the sport-bike community and is re-directing their efforts in order to make the Victory brand and their products more known amongst ZX-14, Hayabusa and Black Bird riders who may be interested in owning a cruiser. Victory doesn’t want the sport-bike enthusiast to give up their bikes, but to interest and offer an alternative comfortable well-crafted bike for those long-distance trips. And they know the sport biker community has a strong zeal to accessorize. Not a problem, Victory has plenty of options to choose from to satisfy that need to make your bike uniquely yours.
Victory Motorcycles executives along with Sarah Timleck, former owner of 2 Wheel Turner Magazine collaborated on who to engage to bring awareness of Victory Motorcycles to the sport bike community. A few names were tossed in a hat and I was fortunate and blessed to have been selected along with a few others in the community.
Sarah has been an ally, an associate and more than anything, a friend to me and the PRO Convention. She has brought much attention to the PRO Convention (PROConvention.com), a grassroots organization now in our 10th year of operating geared towards educating motorcycle clubs and independent motorcyclists about protocol, safety, laws and legislations, etiquette and what’s new on the market from accessories and apparel to sport bikes and cruisers. Sarah introduced us to corporate motorcycle leaders in the industry and after ten hard years of grinding and wanting to be recognized by industry leaders, they have finally taken notice.
Victory Motorcycles, as well as others are taking the grassroots approach to an untapped market. They realize this market has just as much influence and buying power if not more than those markets currently being targeted. This marketing strategy provides me the opportunity to lend my expertise to Victory Motorcycles by introducing their brand directly to a community that has little to no idea of their existence – all of that is about to change. I will be smack dab in the community on a Victory Cory Ness Edition Cross Country acquainting this deserving bike and brand to the community at bike events throughout the season to showcase its beauty and style.
My first trip on the Cory Ness Edition Cross Country was the 7th Annual Bikers Against Breast Cancer (babcinc.org) Ride in Newark, NJ. My next trip is Atlantic Beach, SC during the Memorial Day weekend for the Victory VIP Party @ Coastal Victory to celebrate the kick-off of Atlantic Beach Bike Week and to pay homage to the Carolina Knight Riders (carolinaknightridermc.webs.com) whose vision in 1980 has grown into the largest and highly anticipated Atlantic Beach Bike Week.
Victory Motorcycles isn’t stopping there. They are also leading a fundraising campaign with all proceeds benefiting Bikers Against Breast Cancer. Victory will raffle a customized “Bikers Against Breast Cancer” Victory Cross Country by Rob Uecker of Voodoo Motorcycles (voodoomoto.com). The winner will be presented with this custom Victory Cross Country during the 10th Annual PRO Convention, USA in Houston, TX on January 12, 2013.
Throughout my time on this dream machine, I will chronicle my experiences on Facebook – at facebook.com/btlawson114 and Twitter @kawikrew. My trips will also be documented by John Graves of JustWannaRide.net, Sean Hightower of RockTheThrottle.com, Shifin Gearz Magazine and Throttle Life with photography by Kenneth Neely of KneelyImages.com.
I’m sure the first shock and awe to everyone’s surprise will be me on a cruiser. The next awe inspiring moment will be the Victory itself. No words will need to be spoken. The bike easily handles that for itself.
To see these masterpieces of machinery visit www.polarisindustries.com/Victory.
See ya’ll on the highway!
Love and respect,
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Written by: Brian “Seven” Lawson |
Photos by: Kenneth Neely 412.304.4438 |